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9th week (24 to 28 June): 2023 versus 2022
In terms of quality, the 2023 vintage differs from its predecessor in two ways:
more classic style: 2023 is a fine Bordeaux vintage, with wines that play the elegance and balance card, because they are ripe yet medium-bodied with moderate alcohol,
great diversity: in 2023, the key to success lay in the strategic choices made by the teams, both in the vineyard and in the cellar. As a result, at every level and in every appellation, we find wines that are decent, others that are excellent and, in some cases, truly exceptional.
Surprising as it may seem, while the scores for the 2022s were already at their highest, we found many vintages that scored better in 2023 than in 2022:
- either because the vintage conditions were right to produce great wines, as in Sauternes or on the Right Bank,
- or because they have brand new technical facilities, such as Branaire-Ducru or Cantenac-Brown, which recently inaugurated their new vats,
- or because they have made a stylistic change, such as Gazin (under the influence of oenologist Thomas Duclot) or Guiraud (run by Sandrine Garbay, former cellar master at Yquem).
La Revue du Vin de France
For the Revue des Vins de France, the improvements are to be found more likely on the right bank, thanks to more easily digestible and elegant Merlot, and in Sauternes, where the vintage brings more tension and liveliness.
Here are the most notable advances:
+5 points : Gazin [rated 95-97 versus 90-93 in 2022] "This slight change in style has produced a stunning result. Well done!"
+2 points : Guiraud [rated 96-99 vs 94-96 in 2022], Les Carmes Haut-Brion [rated 96-98 vs 94-96 in 2022] and La Petite Église [rated 93-94 vs 90-92 in 2022]
+1 point : Coutet [rated 96-99 vs 95-98 in 2022], La Violette [rated 93-96 vs 92-95 in 2022] and Feytit-Clinet [rated 91-92 vs 90-92 in 2022]
En Magnum
For Bettane & Desseauve, the increases were more moderate, but also more scattered, underlining the success of estates at all levels of the Bordeaux hierarchy that were able to understand and make the most of the weather conditions:
For Bettane & Desseauve, the increases were more moderate, but also more scattered, underlining the success of estates that were able to understand and make the most of the weather conditions, at all levels of the Bordeaux hierarchy:
+2 points : Giscours [rated 96-97 vs 94 in 2022], Malartic-Lagravière [rated 95 vs 93-94 in 2022], Carbonnieux [rated 93-94 vs 91-92 in 2022] and Couhins [rated 92 vs 90-91 in 2022]
+1 point : Malescot Saint-Exupéry [rated 95 vs 94 in 2022] and Clos Manou [rated 91-92 vs 90 in 2022]
+0.5 point : Figeac [rated 98 vs 97-98 in 2022], Valandraud [rated 96 vs 95-96 in 2022] and Cantenac-Brown [rated 94 vs 93-94 in 2022]
For Neal Martin, no fewer than 39 of the wines in our selection have a better score in 2023 than in 2022, with some of the biggest improvements:
+3 points : Suduiraut [rated 96-98 vs 93-95 in 2022]
+2 points : Domaine de Chevalier blanc [rated 94-96 vs 92-94 in 2022], Pavie Macquin [rated 94-96 vs 92-94 in 2022], Montlandrie [rated 92-94 vs 90-92 in 2022], Dalem [rated 92-94 vs 90-92 in 2022], Deyrem-Valentin [rated 92-94 vs 90-92 in 2022], Mazeyres [rated 91-93 vs 89-91 in 2022], Aile d'Argent [rated 91-93 vs 89-91 in 2022] and Baron de Brane [rated 89-91 vs 87-89 in 2022]
Finally, for Antonio Galloni, 50 (!) vintages will progress between 2022 and 2023, with:
+6 points : Suduiraut [rated 98-100 vs 92-94 in 2022]
+5 points : Deyrem-Valentin [rated 92-94 vs 87-89 in 2022] and Haut-Bergey [rated 92-94 vs 87-89 in 2022]
+4 points : Aile d'Argent [rated 92-94 vs 88-90 in 2022] and Latour-Martillac blanc [rated 89-91 vs 85-87 in 2022]
+3 points : Guiraud [rated 95-97 vs 92-94 in 2022], Calon Ségur [rated 94-96 vs 91-93 in 2022], Cantenac Brown [rated 93-96 vs 90-93 in 2022], Marquis d'Alesme [rated 93-95 vs 90-92 in 2022] and Clos du Marquis [rated 93-95 vs 90-93 in 2022]


8th week (17 to 21 June): BULK MISCELLANEA...
Now that the Bordeaux 2023 marketing period is over, we're taking a look back at a number of subjects that have received little or no mention in recent weeks. Here they are, in no uncertain order:

Although organic conversions have slowed over the last 2 years (due to mildew attacks and the current economic climate), almost 25% of the 111,000 ha of Bordeaux PDO vineyards are now certified organic.

Among our list of grands crus offered en primeur, 5 wines have obtained their certification in 2023:
- Domaine de Chevalier blanc and Esprit de Chevalier blanc (the reds will not be certified until next year) in Leognan,
- Moulin Saint-Georges, Ausone and Chapelle d'Ausone in Saint-Emilion.
With these new certifications, our Bordeaux en primeur selection now includes 36 wines organic5 dry whites2 sweet whites et 29 reds.
the new
7 vins ont été sélectionnés cette année pour la première fois en primeur :
Suduiraut Vieilles Vignes, le grand blanc sec de Suduiraut (le blanc sec d'entrée de gamme est dénommé 'Lions de Suduiraut'),
Lilium, créé en 2022, vin blanc sec 'haut de gamme' 100% sémillon de Climens (le blanc sec de milieu de gamme est dénommé 'Asphodèle'),
Esprit de Chevalier, second vin de Domaine de Chevalier retenu dans les deux couleurs blanc et rouge,
- La Dame de Montrose, second vin de Montrose, qui bénéficie de lots plus qualitatifs suite au recentrage du grand vin sur la seule fameuse 'terrasse 4',
- Puyblanquet, Saint-Émilion grand cru que La Gaffelière vient de racheter (2020) après l'avoir détenu de 1807 à 1959,
- Clos La Gaffelière, à ne pas confondre avec Château La Gaffelière, 1er grand cru classé (jusqu'en 2022) éponyme dont il est le second vin.
when the seconds are not secondary
Nous avons constaté que les réussites de 2023 étaient rarement isolées mais concernaient plus souvent tous les vins d'une même écurie : le grand vin, le second vin et, le cas échéant, les crus rattachés.
Pour cette raison, les seconds vins sont spécialement à considérer en 2023 (ou comment accéder au meilleur du millésime sans en payer le prix) et nous leur avons accordé davantage de place dans notre sélection :
- seconds vins de Pessac-Léognan : Esprit de Chevalier blanc et rouge, Haut-Bailly II, La Chapelle de la Mission, Le Clarence de Haut-Brion
- second vin du Médoc : Petit Manou
- seconds vins de Margaux : Baron de Brane, Pavillon Rouge
- seconds vins de Saint-Julien : Les Fiefs de Lagrange, Connétable Talbot, Sarget de Gruaud, La Croix Ducru-Beaucaillou
- seconds vins de Pauillac : Lacoste Borie, Griffons de Pichon-Baron, Réserve de la Comtesse, Petit Mouton, Carruades de Lafite
- seconds vins de Saint-Estèphe : Marquis de Calon, Dame de Montrose, Pagodes de Cos
- second vin de Pomerol : Fugue de Nénin
- seconds vins de Saint-Émilion : Clos La Gaffelière, Dragon de Quintus, Virginie de Valandraud, Carillon d'Angélus, Chapelle d'Ausone
2023: a mixed bag... even in the grades

Qualitativement, l'hétérogénéité est une des marques du millésime 2023, se traduisant à tous niveaux et sur toutes les appellations par des vins ici convenables sans plus, là excellents et, chez quelques-uns, véritablement exceptionnels.

Étonnamment, cette hétérogénéité se retrouve tout autant dans les notes et classements des critiques, aucun cru ne faisant véritablement consensus et ne s'imposant comme "la bouteille de l'année".

La disparité des avis est telle que même en compilant les podiums (3 meilleures notes) de 7 dégustateurs émérites, 4 français et 3 américains ( + The Wine Advocate), un seul Bordeaux 2023 obtient une courte majorité en étant cité 4 fois sur 7 : Lafleur à Pomerol.

Un parfait exemple de cette disparité à Saint-Estèphe entre Montrose et Cos d'Estournel :

• Neal Martin (vinous) préfère Montrose (96-98/100) à Cos d'Estournel (94-96/100)
• Antonio Galloni (vinous) préfère Cos d'Estournel (96-98/100) à Montrose (95-97/100)

• La Revue du Vin de France préfère Montrose (97-98/100) à Cos d'Estournel (95-97/100)
• Michel Bettane (En Magnum) préfère Cos d'Estournel (97-98/100) à Montrose (94-95/100), classant Montrose derrière Phélan-Ségur et à égalité avec Calon-Ségur et Haut-Marbuzet.

Dominio de Pingus

La revue The Wine Advocate (ex Parker) a livré ce 13 juin sa dégustation des vins de Ribera del Duero dans les derniers millésimes (de 2018 à 2022 selon les producteurs).

Une fois de plus, les vins de Peter Sisseck occupent les toutes premières places :

Pingus : 98-100/100 en 2022, 100/100 en 2021

Flor de Pingus : 94-95/100 en 2022, 95+/100 en 2021
P.S.I : 93-95/100 en 2022

Depuis bientôt 30 ans, le succès (mondial) des vins de Peter Sisseck ne se dément pas, au point que ses vins sont difficiles à trouver après la mise en bouteille et doivent être de préférence réservés en primeur.

Aujourd'hui, nous ne vous proposons en millésime disponible que le P.S.I. 2021 en bouteille.
Par contre, en primeur, vous pouvez réserver les trois vins : P.S.I., Flor et Pingus 2023, en bouteille comme en magnum.

bottles in Variation

Si vous avez connu en 2023 un événement particulier dont vous souhaiterez fêter les anniversaires, la caisse Variation vous tend les bras. Imaginée par le Château Grand-Puy Lacoste à Pauillac, cette caisse bois comprend l'équivalent de 12 bouteilles réparties en :

- 4 bouteilles (75 cl)
- 2 magnums (150 cl)
- 1 double-magnum (300 cl)

De plus, cette caisse originale est déclinée pour le second vin comme pour le grand vin :

  avec une apogée prévisible entre 2030 (bouteille) et 2045 (double-magnum)

- caisse Variation Château Grand Puy Lacoste (grand cru classé) 2023
  avec une apogée prévisible entre 2035 (bouteille) et 2065 (double-magnum)
2023 position

Une question revient souvent cette année : où situer 2023 dans le concert des grands millésimes bordelais récents ?

Pour les Bordeaux blancs, le positionnement des 2023 est clair :

- très grand millésime pour les blancs secs, sur la plus haute marche du podium avec 2021,

- grand millésime pour les blancs liquoreux, à rapprocher de 2016.

Pour les Bordeaux rouges, tous les critiques placent 2023 parmi les grands millésimes, telle la Revue du Vin de France « Bordeaux signe encore un beau millésime qui s'insérera parfaitement dans la série qui a démarré il y a dix ans ».

Pour mieux préciser la place de 2023 vis-à-vis de ses pairs, voici le classement des meilleurs millésimes selon le nombre de crus exceptionnels (i.e. pouvant mériter en primeur une note entre 98 et 100/100) d'après Antonio Galloni ( :

• 2022 : 26 crus
• 2016 : 24 crus
• 2018 : 22 crus
• 2023 : 16 crus
• 2020 : 15 crus
• 2019 : 13 crus
• 2015 : 12 crus


7th week (10 to 14 June): LATEST BORDEAUX

• Bordeaux dry white : Smith-Haut-Lafitte organic
Bordeaux sweet white : ---
• Graves / Pessac-Leognan : Haut-Bailly II, Haut-Bailly, Smith-Haut-Lafitte organic
Left bank / Medoc : ---
• Margaux : ---
• Saint-Julien : ---
• Pauillac : ---
• Saint-Estephe : La Dame de Montrose (new), Montrose
• Right bank / Libournais : ---
• Pomerol : La Conseillante, Vieux-Certan, Le Pin
• Saint-Emilion : Larcis-Ducasse, Troplong-Mondot, L'If, Figeac
With these last 10 châteaux, our Bordeaux 2023 en primeur offer is now complete, enabling us to draw up an initial an initial financial report for the reds:
Comparison 2023 vs 2022. For all the reasons mentioned above (less exceptional vintage than the previous one, economic uncertainties, global geo-political tensions, etc.), we suspected that the price of the 2023s would be lower than that of the 2022s, but we had no idea that the falls would ultimately be so pronounced.
The average drop was -17.5% across all vintages. Here are the most spectacular drops:
-46% at Léoville-Las Cases,
-39% at Haut-Brion, Mouton-Rothschild, Cos d'Estournel, Figeac
-37% at Clos du Marquis,
-35% at La Chapelle de la Mission, Pichon-Comtesse de Lalande,
-34% at Ducru-Beaucaillou,
-33% at Margaux, Léoville-Poyferré,
-32% at La Mission Haut-Brion, Lynch-Bages, Vieux-Certan, Lafite-Rothschild, La Conseillante
-30% at Larcis-Ducasse, Carruades de Lafite...
It is logical to find the most expensive crus in this table, as they have more room to manoeuvre downwards. However, a number of less prestigious vintages have followed suit, lowering their prices significantly, in some cases to the point where they are close to their actual production costs.
Here's the list of affordable vintages - at less than €35.00 a bottle incl. tax - which have played the game and which we congratulate on their market-responsive sales policy (in brackets, the price per bottle incl. tax):
-27% : Gloria (31,90 €),
-26% : Dragon de Quintus (30,00 €),
-25% : Potensac (21,10 €),
-22% : Latour-Martillac (27,70 €), Sociando-Mallet (30,20 €), Ormes de Pez (23,00 €),
-21% : Pibran (31,90 €),
-20% : Côte de Baleau (18,50 €), Meyney (26,00 €), Marquis de Calon (27,00 €),
-18% : Montlandrie (19,30 €), Clos Puy Arnaud (26,00 €), La Chenade (17,60 €),
            G d'Estournel (23,50 €), Les Cruzelles (22,70 €), Poujeaux (23,50 €)...
Comparison 2023 vs 2019. The 2019 vintage, offered en primeur in the spring of 2020 in the midst of the Covid crisis, was the occasion for some remarkable falls (and consequent bargains), with prices returning more or less to the level of the 2015 vintage.
As the quality of the 2023 Bordeaux wines is at least comparable to that of the 2019s (see our newsletter of 7 May), we can see that a very large majority (106 out of 157) of the 2023 red Bordeaux wines are offered at a lower price than in 2019, taking into account inflation over the past 4 years (+13.6%).
Not counting inflation in the meantime, we even have 12 crus whose 2023 face price is now equal to or lower than that of 2019:
-20% : L'If
-12% : Carruades de Lafite
-10% : Fugue de Nénin
-  7% : Petit Gravet Aîné
-  5% : Gloria, Petit Mouton, Gazin
-  4% : Les Fiefs de Lagrange, Saint-Pierre
-  3% : La Dominique
-  1% : Malartic-Lagravière, Côte de Baleau
Conclusion. The marketing of Bordeaux 2023 en primeur is now over.
With substantial price reductions, 2023 presents a double opportunity for red Bordeaux wines:
• a vintage of proven quality, widely confirmed by the critics,
• a sharp fall in prices due to external events unrelated to the quality of the wines.
This combination of a fine vintage and depressed prices is extremely rare. Over the last 40 years, it has only happened with the 2019 vintage (released as a primeur during the Covid crisis) and the 2008 vintage (during the subprime crisis). On both occasions, buying en primeur has been relevant and even highly advantageous.


6th week (3 to 7 June): AT A GOOD PACE

Once again, a week packed with great names, to the extent that several appellations are now fully booked (Margaux, Saint-Julien, Pauillac and Rive Droite/Libournais):

• Graves / Pessac-Leognan : Les Carmes Haut-Brion
Left bank / Medoc : ---
• Margaux : Giscours, Rauzan-Ségla, Pavillon Rouge, Palmer organic, Margaux
• Saint-Julien : Sarget de Gruaud organic, Branaire-Ducru, Gruaud-Larose organic
• Pauillac : Pibran, Les Griffons de Pichon Baron, Réserve de la Comtesse, Pichon-Longueville Baron, Pichon Comtesse de Lalande
• Saint-Estephe : Marquis de Calon, Phélan-Ségur, Calon-Ségur
• Right bank / Libournais : La Chenade, Montlandrie, Les Cruzelles 
• Pomerol : La Petite-Église, L'Église-Clinet, La Violette
• Saint-Emilion : Pavie-Macquin, Canon
Bargain corner. We are once again updating the table of the most attractive price cuts (2023 vs 2022), i.e. the vintages most in tune with their markets (in brackets the 2023 bottle price incl. VAT):
-46% at Léoville-Las Cases (194,40 €),
-39% at Haut-Brion (438,00 €), Mouton-Rothschild (458,40 €), Cos d'Estournel (159,60 €),
-37% at Clos du Marquis (53,75 €),
-35% at La Chapelle de la Mission (60,00 €), Pichon-Comtesse de Lalande (156,00 €),
-34% at Ducru-Beaucaillou (172,80 €),
-33% at Margaux (504,00 €), Léoville-Poyferré (78,95 €),
-32% at La Mission Haut-Brion (252,00 €), Lynch-Bages (99,00 €), Lafite-Rothschild (570,00 €),
-30% at Carruades de Lafite (210,00 €),
-29% at Saint-Pierre (45,35 €), Pavie-Macquin (67,20 €), Quintus (96,00 €),
-28% at Les Carmes Haut-Brion (106,80 €), Malescot Saint-Exupéry (45,35 €),
-27% at Durfort-Vivens (55,90 €), Gloria (31,90 €), Pontet-Canet (126,00 €), Le Petit Mouton (186,00 €), Gazin (67,20 €), Le Carillon d'Angélus (92,40 €),
-26% at d'Issan (52,07 €), Brane-Cantenac (62,40 €), Le Petit Ducru (28,50 €), Pédesclaux (34,80 €), Dragon de Quintus (30,00 €), Clos Fourtet (97,80 €), Angélus (363,60 €),
-25% at Le Clarence de Haut-Brion (138,00 €), Potensac (21,10 €), Talbot (50,40 €), La Mondotte (151,20 €),
The reviewers' darlings. In addition to the podiums we've already reported on (see previous newsletters), some critics also highlight their favorites.
These are vintages which, while not at the absolute top of their rankings, are their favorites for a variety of reasons, most often for their style and value for money. Here are the crus that overlap with our own:
• The Revue du Vin de France has listed its 22 favourites by appellation:
- Pessac-Léognan dry white: Larrivet Haut-Brion
- Sauternes sweet white: Guiraud
- Pessac-Léognan red: Haut-Bailly, Les Carmes Haut-Brion
- Margaux: Marquis d'Alesme
- Saint-Julien: Langoa-Barton
- Pauillac: Grand-Puy Lacoste
- Saint-Estèphe: Haut-Marbuzet
- Pomerol: Vieux-Château-Certan
- Saint-Émilion: Pavie-Macquin, Clos Fourtet, Figeac
• Michel Bettane et Thierry Desseauve (En Magnum) generously gave their 153 (!) favorites divided into 6 categories. We've left out the 4 classic categories: Artists, Giants, Icons and Must-Haves, and only included the 2 most original:
- Avant-Garde : Cantenac-Brown, Durfort-Vivens, Ferrière, Pontet-Canet, Phélan-Ségur, Fonroque
- Super Bordeaux : Larrivet Haut-Brion rouge, Clos Manou, Alcée, Haut-Carles, Clos Louie, Puy-Blanquet
• Jacques Dupont (Le Point) awarded 21 coups de coeur:
- Saint-Julien: Langoa-Barton
- Pauillac: Pichon-Comtesse de Lalande
- Saint-Estèphe: Phélan-Ségur, Montrose
- Saint-Émilion: Canon-La Gaffelière, Pavie-Macquin, Canon
• Jean-Marc Quarin ( distinguishes 3 categories, and a wine can be nominated in several categories. The “In progress” category identifies the crus with the highest score ever received in Futures:
- Coup de coeur: Montlandrie, Dalem
- Outsider: Clos Floridène blanc, du Retout, Clos Manou, Montlandrie, Dalem, Poesia, Puy-Blanquet
- In progress : Blanc de Lynch-Bages, Prieuré-Lichine, Clos du Marquis, Griffons de Pichon-Baron, Marquis de Calon, Ormes de Pez, Cos Labory, Feytit-Clinet, Poesia, Dragon de Quintus, Puy-Blanquet
• Antonio Galloni ( classifies into 3 categories:
- Wines of the Year: Domaine de Chevalier blanc, Suduiraut, Palmer
- Mentions honorables: Doisy-Daëne sec, Giscours, Troplong-Mondot, Figeac
- Under the radar gems: Haut-Bergey rouge, Clos Saint-Julien
• Neal Martin ( noted and commented the wines individually but without any particular distinction.


5th week (27 to 31 May): VINEXPO HONG KONG

It's a very quiet week, with the top of Bordeaux export merchants and grands crus travelling to Vinexpo, held this year in Hong Kong from 28 to 30 May, after a six-year absence (the 2020 and 2022 editions were cancelled).
Here are the handful of crus which, less concerned by the Asian markets, offered their 2023s this week:

• Bordeaux dry white : Latour-Martillac
Bordeaux sweet white : ---
• Graves / Pessac-Leognan : Haut-Bergey organic, Latour-Martillac
Left bank / Medoc : ---
• Margaux : ---
• Saint-Julien : ---
• Pauillac : ---
• Saint-Estephe : ---
• Right bank / Libournais : Peyrou organic, Moulin Haut-Laroque, La Dauphine organic
• Pomerol : Feytit-Clinet
• Saint-Emilion : Petit-Gravet Aîné organic, Clos Saint-Julien organic
The 2023 red Bordeaux Champion's League.
In our newsletter of 7 May, we told you about the 2023 podium of 3 American tasters:
- Antonio Galloni ( Suduiraut, Palmer, Margaux
- Neal Martin ( Margaux, L'Église-Clinet, Lafleur, Le Pin
- William Kelley (The Wine Advocate) : Montrose, Lafleur, La Conseillante, Cheval Blanc
With the publication of the Revue du Vin de France this week (June issue with the Bordeaux 2023 tasting), we now have the podium of the 4 French critics we follow:
- Michel Bettane (In Magnum) : Léoville-Las Cases, Latour, Figeac, Pavie
- La Revue du Vin de France: Lafleur, Petrus, Vieux-Château-Certan
- Jean-Marc Quarin ( : Latour, Lafleur, Petrus, Ausone, Cheval Blanc
- Jacques Dupont (Le Point) : Margaux, Lafite-Rothschild, Montrose, Petrus
These rankings show that the successes of Bordeaux 2023 are not the result of a particular terroir or grape variety, but rather of the determination, know-how and equipment of each wine estate:
- as with the American critics, the disparity of opinion among the French critics is notable, with only Petrus achieving consensus (cited 3 times out of 4). If we take all 7 critics together, only Lafleur obtains a narrow majority (cited 4 times out of 7).
- in a vintage more favourable to Cabernet (especially Sauvignon) than Merlot, it is surprising to find on the podium significantly more châteaux from the right bank (mainly Pomerol) than from the left bank:
- American critics: 4 left-bank wines,   6 right-bank wines
- French critics:     6 left-bank wines, 10 right-bank wines
In conclusion, the successes of the 2023 vintage must be considered on an individual, case-by-case basis, and certainly not collectively. The heterogeneity of the 2023s, which has already been mentioned, is not due to the vintage but above all to the understanding, interpretation and responsiveness of the teams in place in the vineyards and in the cellar.
For this reason, we have noticed that the successes of 2023 are rarely isolated, but more often involve all the wines in the same team: grand vin, second wine and, where applicable, the attached crus. An excellent example is the success of all the wines under the management of Jean-Hubert Delon: Léoville-Las Cases, Clos du Marquis and Potensac in the Médoc, Fugue de Nénin and Nénin in Pomerol.
Variation case.
If you've had a very special event in 2023 that you'd like to celebrate at some point in the future, the Variation case is for you. Designed and developed by Château Grand-Puy Lacoste in Pauillac, this wooden case contains the equivalent of 12 bottles divided into :

- 4 bottles (75 cl) + 2 magnums (150 cl) + 1 double-magnum (300 cl).
What's more, this original case is available for both the second wine and the grand vin:
- Lacoste Borie (second wine) Variation case 2023: €357.40 incl. VAT
   with a predicted peak between 2030 (bottle) and 2045 (double-magnum)
- Ch. Grand Puy Lacoste (grand cru classé) Variation case 2023: €825.40 inc VAT
   with a predicted peak between 2035 (bottle) and 2065 (double-magnum)
These cases allow you to monitor the evolution of the wine over the years and according to the container, to adapt the size of the bottle to the circumstances, and to benefit from long ageing periods, as Grand-Puy Lacoste is surely one of the Grand Crus Classés with the longest ageing potential in the Médoc.

4th week (20 to 24 May): ON THE MOVE

Another week of "Primeurs 2023", following on from the previous one, with 34 new vintages:

• Bordeaux dry white : Arums de Lagrange, L'Esprit de Chevalier (new), Larrivet Haut-Brion, Domaine de Chevalier
Bordeaux sweet white : ---
• Graves / Pessac-Leognan : L'Esprit de Chevalier (new), Larrivet Haut-Brion, Domaine de Chevalier
Left bank / Medoc : Poujeaux
• Margaux : La Gurgue organic, Baron de Brane, Ferrière organic, Cantenac-Brown, Durfort-Vivens organic, Brane-Cantenac
• Saint-Julien : Les Fiefs de Lagrange, Lagrange, Léoville Poyferré, Beychevelle
• Pauillac : Lacoste-Borie, Haut-Bages Libéral organic, Grand-Puy Lacoste
• Saint-Estephe : ---
• Right bank / Libournais : d'Aiguilhe
• Pomerol : Mazeyres organic, Clos L'Église
• Saint-Emilion : Côte de Baleau, Clos La Gaffelière (new), Poesia, Barde-Haut, Clos de l'Oratoire organic, Fonroque organic, La Dominique, La Gaffelière, Canon-la Gaffelière organic, Clos Fourtet, La Mondotte organic
Good Spirit [positive attitude]. While we are not, a priori, ardent defenders of all second wines, we recognise the quality of the work accomplished by Domaine de Chevalier since 2006 (followed by Derenoncourt Consultants) and are delighted to welcome their second label, L'Esprit de Chevalier (Spirit of Chevalier), to our lists for the first time this year, as deserving and worthy of interest in both white and red. And with a quality/price ratio that is always judicious within the Pessac-Léognan range (€26.90 a bottle for the white and €21.80 a bottle for the red).
Château or Clos ? The same assessment and the same enthusiasm for Clos La Gaffelière, the second wine of Château La Gaffelière (Saint-Émilion's 1er grand cru classé, monitored by Derenoncourt Consultants). Clos La Gaffelière 2023 is the pleasure version of the grand vin: to be enjoyed from 2028, 90% Merlot, silky texture and mellow tannins. At a third of the price of the Grand Vin (€21.00 a bottle).
Derenoncourt Consultants. With his intuitive, self-taught and, for his time, innovative and unconventional approach (respect for nature, low-intervention winemaking, etc.), Stéphane Derenoncourt, who started from nothing, has, in just 30 years, acquired a worldwide reputation in the world of fine wines. Under the 'Derenoncourt Consultants' banner, he has assembled a fine team of young oenologists, agricultural engineers, biologists, etc. capable of advising all the winegrowers of Bordeaux and beyond, from the simplest estate to the most prestigious crus, both in the vineyard and in the cellar.
Stéphane et nous. We met Stéphane Derenoncourt in the early 90s at Canon-La Gaffelière, selected his Domaine de l'A from its first vintage in 1997 and still consider it a mark of the highest quality that an estate has chosen to surround itself with his advice. Among the 95 Bordeaux châteaux that are clients of Derenoncourt Consultants, here are the ones we regularly select (en primeur or by catalogue):
- Pessac-Leognan : Couhins, Larrivet Haut-Brion, Domaine de Chevalier, Smith Haut-Lafitte, Les Carmes Haut-Brion
- Medoc/Moulis : Poujeaux
- Margaux : Prieuré-Lichine
- Right bank/Libournais : Isle Fort, Gree Laroque, Charmes-Godard, Puyguéraud, Alcée and, of course, domaine de l'A
- Saint-Emilion : Côte de Baleau, La Gaffelière, Pavie-Macquin, Larcis-Ducasse, Clos Fourtet

3rd week (13 to 17 May): BUSY WEEK

An intense 5-day week with more than 50 Bordeaux 2023s selected:
• Bordeaux dry white : Couhins blanc organic, Carbonnieux blanc, Suduiraut Vieilles Vignes (new), Lilium de Climens organic (new), Blanc de Lynch-Bages, Pape Clément blanc, Cos d'Estournel blanc
Bordeaux sweet white : Haut-Bergeron, Suduiraut, Climens organic
• Graves / Pessac-Leognan : Couhins organic, Carbonnieux, La Chapelle de la Mission Haut-Brion, Pape Clément, Le Clarence de Haut-Brion, La Mission Haut-Brion, Haut-Brion
Left Bank / Medoc : Mauvesin Barton, Madame de Beaucaillou, G d'Estournel, Sociando-Mallet
• Margaux : La Tour de Mons, Deyrem Valentin, Siran, Prieuré-Lichine, Marquis d'Alesme, Malescot Saint-Exupéry, d'Issan
• Saint-Julien : Petit Ducru, Gloria, Langoa-Barton, La Croix Ducru-Beaucaillou, Saint-Pierre, Léoville-Barton, Ducru-Beaucaillou
• Pauillac : Lynch-Bages
• Saint-Estephe : Ormes de Pez, Meyney, Cos Labory, Les Pagodes de Cos, Cos d'Estournel
• Right Bank / Libournais : Les Trois Croix, Haut-Carles
• Pomerol : Gazin
• Saint-Emilion : Fombrauge, Le Dragon de Quintus, Moulin Saint-Georges, Quintus, Chapelle d'Ausone (new), Cheval Blanc, Ausone
With this week's releases, more than 3/4 of the Bordeaux 2023s have now been put on the market.
Towards a new Sauternes appellation? As the market for sweet wines has become increasingly complicated over the last twenty years, the Sauternes crus classés have increased their production of dry white wines over the years in order to ensure a minimum of profitability. Then, discovering the real originality and potential of their terroir for great white wines based on Semillon, we see these same Grand Crus Classés now making increasingly ambitious cuvées, with truly dry wines closer to La Mission Haut-Brion blanc than to the 'Y' of Yquem. Perhaps one day we'll have a dry Sauternes appellation, in the same way as there are dry Jurançon and Jurançon?
Two recent examples (with radically different grape varieties and maturing methods) have been selected for this year's en primeur:
- Lilium. 2023 is the second vintage of this new cuvée from Château Climens, adding to its range of dry white wines (Asphodèle, Petite Lily, Fenouil and Camomille). 100% old Semillon vines (average age 30 years), pressed without destemming, fermented with natural yeasts, aged for 8 months in 220-litre glass globes, Lilium aims to capture and marry the mineral tension of the Climens limestone terroir with the richness of the Semillon, in a perfectly pure aromatic expression (without ageing in wood). A great dry white wine, 12.5° alcohol, pH 3.5.
- Suduiraut Vieilles Vignes. Since 2020, Vieilles Vignes has been the name of Château Suduiraut's dry white Grand Vin, half Semillon and half Sauvignon (average age of the vines: 45 years for both varieties), matured for 9 months in barrels (12% new, 88% single-vineyard). More classically defined than Lilium, this Suduiraut VV 2023 is rich and long, with 13°8 alcohol and a pH of 3.4. Antonio Galloni (vinous) gave it a very good score of 94-96/100.
Chapelle d'Ausone. By 2023, Ausone's second wine was at the top of Saint-Émilion, garnering enthusiastic reviews from critics: "C'est magnifique ! Le meilleur 'second vin' de Bordeaux. Le frère d'Ausone." for Jean-Marc Quarin or "The 2023 Chapelle d'Ausone is fabulous, as it often is." for Antonio Galloni. And at the same price as in 2019 (excluding inflation)!
Bargain Corner. We are updating the table of the biggest price reductions for 2023 red Bordeaux (in brackets their price per bottle including tax) compared to last year's "Primeurs 2022":
-46% at Léoville-Las Cases (€194.40),
-39% at Haut-Brion (€438.00), Mouton-Rothschild (€458.40), Cos d'Estournel (€159.60),
-37% at Clos du Marquis (€53.75),
-35% at La Chapelle de la Mission (€60.00),
-34% at Ducru-Beaucaillou (€172.80),
-32% at La Mission Haut-Brion (€252.00), Lynch-Bages (€99.00), Lafite-Rothschild (€570.00),
-30% at Carruades de Lafite (€210.00),
-29% at Saint-Pierre (€45.35), Quintus (€96.00),
-28% at Malescot Saint-Exupéry (€45.35),
-27% at Gloria (€31.90), Pontet-Canet (€126.00), Le Petit Mouton (€186.00), Gazin (€67.20), Le Carillon d'Angélus (€92.40),
-26% at d'Issan (€52.07), Le Petit Ducru (€28.50), Pédesclaux (€34.80), Dragon de Quintus (€30.00), Angélus (€363.60),
-25% at Le Clarence de Haut-Brion (€138.00), Potensac (€21.10), Talbot (€50.40)
As a result of these reductions, most of the 2023 red Bordeaux wines have returned to the price of the 2019 en primeur vintage, without taking account of inflation in the meantime (+13.6% in 4 years, source: French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies). Here are the most remarkable in comparison with the price they had in "Primeurs 2019":
-12% at Carruades de Lafite,
-10% at Fugue de Nénin,
-  5% at Gloria, Le Petit Mouton, Gazin,
-  4% at Saint-Pierre,
-  1% at Malartic-Lagravière,
same price at La Mission Haut-Brion, Prieuré-Lichine, Lafite-Rothschild, Valandraud, Chapelle d'Ausone,
+ 1% at Pape-Clément, Potensac, Léoville-Las Cases, La Vieille Cure, Ausone,
+ 3% at Carbonnieux, Ormes de Pez, Meyney, Clos Puy Arnaud,
+ 4% at Petit Manou, Connétable Talbot, Langoa Barton, Pédesclaux, Les Pagodes de Cos, Cos d'Estournel, La Mauriane, Fombrauge, Dragon de Quintus, Rocheyron
As a reminder, the thirty or so vintages listed above are, in constant euros, between 10% and 25% cheaper than the "Primeurs 2019", which at the time were considered to be remarkably low and attractive.


2nd week encore (10 May): ASCENSION BREAK

Two producers from outside Bordeaux took advantage of the Ascension break to offer their 2023s. These are two outstanding producers who have been part of our range for over 25 years and who, in our opinion, are among the most remarkable in terms of quality and the most consistent in terms of price.


From March to September 2023, the chronology of meteorological events was the same in the Rhône Valley as in Bordeaux, albeit with varying intensities and, above all, different impacts depending on the grape variety:
- A frost-free spring, beautiful flowering, but also very high levels of mildew, particularly on the Syrahs, Grenaches and Carignans. As in Bordeaux, the less attractive, wetter terroirs suffered the most damage, while the better, better-drained terroirs (hillsides, sand, etc.) were not affected.
- A clement summer, with regular rainfall, moderate heat and perfectly green vines by mid-August, giving winegrowers in both the north and south of the Rhône Valley the prospect of a (very) great vintage with elegance and maturity.
- From 20 to 24 August, a heatwave unprecedented for this period swept through the Rhône Valley, with temperatures soaring to record levels: 42.7°C in Orange on 22 August, 41.4°C in Lyon on 24 August. This late heatwave, so beneficial in Bordeaux as we have already mentioned, was damaging throughout the Rhône corridor. In less than 5 days of extreme heat, winegrowers saw young vines fry their leaves, the grapes wither and the sugar content rise without the grapes really ripening.
- The harvest was particularly spread out this year, starting in the week of 20 August and finishing in early October, in fine late-season weather.

All in all, the 2023 vintage is just as heterogeneous in the Rhône Valley as it is in Bordeaux:

white wines. The earlier-ripening white varieties did not suffer from the heatwave at the end of August, as they were already ripe and ready to be picked. The wines they produced were well-balanced, with fresh, mineral aromas (thanks to the mild summer) and a roundness on the palate that was a sign of complete ripeness, without any sign of heaviness. 2023 is undoubtedly a very fine vintage for Rhône whites, comparable in both north and south to 2021.

northern red wines. The Syrahs are in the same spirit as those of 2016: alcoholic balance around 13°, aromas of ripe fruit (more blackcurrant than raspberry), round tannins and, above all, a pleasant sensation of freshness on the finish. This is a magnificent Côte-Rôtie V.V. that will keep for a long time.

southern red wines. Grape varieties: Grenache is the success story of the vintage, followed by Syrah, which is more precocious in the south and suffered little from the late heat wave. Terroir: the southern part of Châteauneuf, the Crau plain, really suffered from the heatwave at the end of August, forcing Tardieu-Laurent to change its blends, this year favouring the northern part of the appellation (Rayas, Courthézon). The 2023s from the southern part of the appellation are also on a par with the 2016s, with the addition of some fantastic Grenache with intense fruit (the special Côtes du Rhône and Châteauneuf du Pape cuvées are 100% Grenache).

Provencal red wine. Thanks to its immediate proximity to the Mediterranean, the Bandol vineyards escaped the consequences of the heatwave at the end of August. The Mourvèdre grapes benefited greatly from the regular heat of the summer to produce a great 2023, eminently taut and refined, which is also destined for long cellaring.

For both whites and reds, Tardieu-Laurent's prices are virtually unchanged (less than 1% increase compared to 2022), and we are mainly proposing their Vieilles Vignes cuvées, which are certainly the key to success (outside the great terroirs) in the 2023 vintage:

Tardieu-Laurent white wines 2023 : Crozes-Hermitage VV, Saint-Joseph VV, Saint-Péray VV, Châteauneuf du Pape VV, Condrieu, Hermitage VV,

Tardieu-Laurent northern red wines 2023 : Crozes-Hermitage VV, Saint-Joseph VV, Cornas et Cornas VV, Côte-Rôtie VV, Hermitage,

Tardieu-Laurent southern red wines 2023 : Côtes du Rhône cuvée Spéciale, Rasteau VV, Vacqueyras VV, Gigondas VV, Châteauneuf du Pape VV et Châteauneuf du Pape cuvée Spéciale,

Tardieu-Laurent provencal red wine 2023 : Bandol.

Dominio de Pingus
(+Bodegas Alnardo)

In Ribera del Duero, 2023 was another very hot, dry year, in line with the vintages seen since 2015. The rainfall in June gave the soils good water reserves, perfect for coping with the summer drought.
The grapes ripened very early in August, heralding an early harvest. For the first time, harvesting began at Flor de Pingus on 8 September before Pingus. They ended at both PSI and Pingus on 23 September, while many Ribera del Duero vineyards had not begun harvesting and subsequently had to contend with much less favourable weather conditions (dilution of the grapes, appearance of rot, etc.).

• Dominio de Pingus. Peter Sisseck told us that in 2023 he experienced the easiest fermentations he can remember, with very fine aromas, fresh, pure, with no reduction, and moderate alcohol levels: 13.8° for Flor and 14.0° for Pingus. Although he admits that Flor is the more charming of the two, Peter Sisseck is particularly proud of his Pingus 2023, "easily one of the best wines we have made".

• Bodegas Alnardo. For the PSI, Peter Sisseck was very pleased to be able to use the Tribaie density sorting system in 2023, which automatically controls ripeness on a grape-by-grape basis. Although it has a lower alcohol content (13.5°) than Pingus and Flor, PSI 2023 shows real maturity, with the addition of 8% Grenache contributing to the mellowness and depth on the palate. Year after year, PSI has established itself as a great wine in its own right within the Ribera del Duero (at a very affordable price).

Here are Peter Sisseck's 3 wines, with prices strictly unchanged from last year, plus the possibility this year of reserving Pingus and Flor de Pingus in magnum:

Ribera del Duero red 2023 : PSI, Flor de Pingus et Pingus.


2nd week (6 to 7 May): A VERY SHORT WEEK

As short as it was, this week of only 2 days (due to public holidays in France) was nonetheless rich in great names from Bordeaux, with even a 1er grand cru classé :
• Bordeaux dry white : Malartic-Lagravière, Aile d'Argent
Bordeaux sweet white : Coutet
• Graves / Pessac-Leognan : Malartic-Lagravière
Left Bank / Medoc : Chasse-Spleen
• Margaux : ---
• Saint-Julien : ---
• Pauillac : Pédesclaux organic, D'Armailhac, Clerc Milon, Le Petit Mouton, Mouton-Rothschild
• Saint-Estephe : Lafon-Rochet

• Right Bank / Libournais : Puyguéraud, Alcée, La Vieille Cure, Dalem, Domaine de l'A
• Pomerol : Bellegrave organic
• Saint-Emilion : Rocheyron organic, Le Carillon d'Angélus, Angélus
American rankings. The 3 leading American critics, Antonio Galloni and Neal Martin of and William Kelley of the Wine Advocate, have already given their verdict on the 2023 Bordeaux wines.
Here, on the top step of their podium, are the wines that could merit the maximum score of 100/100 (noting the total disparity of their preferences):
• Antonio Galloni : Suduiraut, Palmer, Margaux
• Neal Martin : L'Église-Clinet
• William Kelley : Montrose, Lafleur, La Conseillante, Cheval Blanc
If we broaden the lists to include vintages worthy of a score of 98/100 or more, we find, unsurprisingly, all the great names of Bordeaux, but with 11 vintages that are mentioned simultaneously by all three critics:
• Pessac-Léognan : Haut-Brion rouge
• Margaux : Margaux, Palmer
• Pauillac : Lafite-Rothschild, Pichon-Comtesse de Lalande
• Saint-Estèphe : Montrose
• Pomerol : La Conseillante
• Saint-Émilion : Ausone, Cheval Blanc, Figeac, Troplong-Mondot
Of the three above-mentioned critics, only Antonio Galloni allows us to go back as far as the 2013 vintage (Neal Martin only joined Vinous in 2019 and William Kelley has only been with the Wine Advocate since 2021).
Using Antonio Galloni's ranking of red wines that can merit a score of 98/100 or more, it is possible to establish a ranking of vintages according to the number of wines cited, and thus to position 2023 in relation to its predecessors:
• 2022 : 26 red Bordeaux wines listed
• 2016 : 24          "          "          "
• 2018 : 22          "          "          "
• 2023 : 16          "          "          "
• 2020 : 15          "          "          "
• 2019 : 13          "          "          "
• 2021 :   5          "          "          "
• 2017 :   4          "          "          "
• 2014 :   0          "          "          "
Without going into the details of this empirical (and surely debatable) ranking, it emerges that 2023 holds its own among the great recent Bordeaux vintages.

1st week (29 April to 3 May): KICK-OFF

The ‘Primeurs 2023’ campaign is set to be a fast-paced, dynamic affair, with all the crus set to offer their 2023s by the beginning of June, in just 5 weeks.

The proof is in this first week, with some very famous classified growths already on the board:

Bordeaux dry white : Clos Floridène, Doisy-Daëne, Caillou Blanc, Valandraud blanc
Bordeaux sweet white : Doisy-Daëne, Rayne-Vigneau, Guiraud organic

Graves / Pessac-Leognan : Clos Floridène
Left Bank / Medoc : Du Retout, Petit Manou, Clos Manou, Potensac
Margaux : ---
Saint-Julien : Connétable de Talbot, Talbot, Clos du Marquis, Léoville-Las Cases
Pauillac : Duhart-Milon, Pontet-Canet organic, Carruades de Lafite, Lafite-Rothschild
Saint-Estephe : Haut-Marbuzet

Right Bank / Libournais : La Mauriane organic, Clos Puy Arnaud organic, Clos Louie organic
Pomerol : Fugue de Nénin, Nénin
Saint-Emilion : Puyblanquet (new), Virginie de Valandraud, Valandraud
On the price front : Léoville-Las Cases, Pontet-Canet and Valandraud offered their 2023s on Tuesday with significant price reductions (compared to 2022):
-46% for Léoville-Las Cases, i.e. €194.40 incl. VAT per bottle (€360.00 in 2022),
-37% for Clos du Marquis, i.e. €53.75 incl. VAT per bottle (€85.20 in 2022),
-32% for Lafite-Rothschild, i.e. €570.00 incl. VAT per bottle (€834.00 in 2022),
-30% for Carruades de Lafite, i.e. €210.00 incl. VAT per bottle (€300.00 in 2022),
-27% for Pontet-Canet, i.e. €92.40 incl. VAT per bottle (€126.00 in 2022),
-25% for Talbot, i.e. €50.40 incl. VAT per bottle (€67.20 in 2022),
-25% for Potensac, i.e. €21.10 incl. VAT per bottle (€28.20 in 2022),
-24% for Valandraud, i.e. €126.00 incl. VAT per bottle (€165.60 in 2022),
The first cuckoo does not necessarily indicate the arrival of spring: we had announced price cuts for the 2023 Bordeaux wines, but had not imagined that they would be so steep from the outset: by a quarter for Pontet-Canet, Talbot, Potensac or Valandraud, by a third for Lafite-Rothschild and by half for Léoville-Las Cases.
This means that Léoville-Las Cases and Lafite-Rothschild are back to exactly the same price as for the 2019 Primeurs 4 years ago, at the height of the Covid-19 crisis, without taking into account the 13.5% inflation that has occurred in the meantime. Let's hope that all the other future grands crus follow the same dynamic, and that the 2023s meet with the success they deserve (as the 2019s did in their day).
Two opinions are better than one. The French critics' notes and comments on Bordeaux 2023 are about to be published: Jean-Marc Quarin on is on the way, Le Point on May 23, La Revue du Vin de France on May 29... In the meantime, here are the scores and comments of's two (excellent) critics: Antonio Galloni and Neal Martin. You can find them by clicking on the wines of your choice.
Back home. After belonging to the Malet Roquefort family (owners of Ch. La Gaffelière) from 1807 to 1959, Puyblanquet returned to the family fold in 2020. On the clay-limestone slopes to the north-east of Saint-Émilion (neighbouring Valandraud, Rol Valentin, Fombrauge, Poesia...), the 12 ha of Puyblanquet vineyards, 80% Merlot and 20% Cabernet Franc, have produced, under the guidance of the La Gaffelière team supervised by Derenoncourt Consultants, a fine 2023, silky, greedy and reasonable (€26.40 incl. VAT per bottle). With confidence.