2022 Futures

All prices are including VAT but excluding transport.
Please see below "Futures campaign".

The logo "bio" indicates the wine in organic culture in official under reserve of certification after bottling.

The campaign "Futures 2022" will stop on 2024 July 31st, in the limit of the available stock.

Offer & Newsletter Futures 2022

In the category « Long keeping », we gather all the wines of the vintage 2017 that will have, according to us, an ageing potential of at least 20 years (even if they will reach their peak before). This category is thus intended for the (very) patient ones with a great cellar, or for those who will have something to celebrate in 20 years (or more).

The ability to age well is the preserve of the finest wines, but more affordable wines can also have a great ageing potential due to their excellent vineyards, the grapes varieties used or to the winemaker’s will. The ageing varies as well depending on the temperature of the cellar (the colder the cellar is, the slower the wine will age) and the bottle’s size (wines in large containers like magnums will age slower and longer than wines in bottles).

  • 6064
    Futures 2022 Pessac-Leognan white
    • Dry white
    • Certified organic wine
    2 016,00 € incl. VAT

    The white wine of Smith Haut Lafitte has built up a solid reputation over the last 10 years, even if it is not a grand cru classé (but Haut-Brion blanc and Pape-Clément blanc are not either). A happy marriage of wood and fruit, it always delivers a beautiful aromatic complexity, from lime blossom to citrus, and a lively, rich and fine structure.

    See the technical sheet

    Quarin : 97/100 «  Minutieux en entrée de bouche, très parfumé, avec un corps aérien et de la grâce dans le toucher, le vin ne cesse de fondre, sur une texture noble qui s'étire longtemps, séveuse, solide, délicate, profonde et complexe. Une superbe réussite. »
    Galloni : 94-96/100
    « The 2022 Smith Haut Lafitte Blanc is airy, weightless and gracious. Thre's lovely richness and texture but without the opulence of most warm, dry years. The 2022 will be a gorgeous wine at the dinner table. »
    Martin : 94-96/100 « It has a very perfumed nose with yellow plums, jasmine, walnut and touches of fennel. Waxy in texture, with hazelnut and white pepper toward the saline, almost creamy finish. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Organic certification:
  • 6085
    Futures 2022 Fronsac
    • Red
    282,20 € incl. VAT

    Selection of the best parcels of Château de Carles (10 ha out of the 20 ha of the estate), certainly the finest and most ambitious wine of Fronsac, making since 2000 equal game with the best classified growths of the slopes of Saint-Émilion. A great wine that should be kept for at least 6 to 8 years.

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 91-93/100 « Ce vin assume une maturité pleine du raisin : la robe sombre, le nez expressif, la texture enveloppé et riche du merlot. Un vin d'envergure se profile ici. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 94/100 
    « Distingué, soyeux, long et épicé, avec un beau retour de fraîcheur en finale, voici un 2022 prometteur. »
    Quarin : 90/100
    « Nez intense, au fruité mûr, subtil et sophistiqué. Bouche pulpeuse et fruitée comme jamais, avec un très bel éclat entre le milieu et la finale. Persistance longue, à la fois onctueuse et fraîche. Tannicité bien enveloppée. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
  • 6088
    Futures 2022 Côtes de Castillon
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    381,60 € incl. VAT

    With 12 hectares cultivated in biodynamic farming, certified since the 2007 vintage, Clos Puy-Arnaud is one of the great Côtes de Castillon wines that have nothing to envy to neighbouring Saint-Émilion.

    Uncompromising, the great wine that has made the estate's reputation is an authentic cuvée, straightforward, deep and made for laying down.

    See the technical sheet

    Bettane & Desseauve : 92-93/100 « On a le tannin parmi les le plus frais de l'appellation. Avec de la distinction et une persistance sur les fleurs poivrés.»
    Galloni : 94-96/100
    « The 2022 Clos Puy Arnaud is a real stunner, and one of the great under the radar gems on the Right Bank. Clos Puy Arnaud could easily challenge many more illustrious names on the Right Bank. »
    Martin : 87-89/100 « The palate is medium-bodied with ripe, saturated tannins and a firm grip. A dense blueberry-tinged finish will require three to four years in bottle. Fine. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Potential alcohol:
    Organic certification:
  • 6104
    Futures 2022 Pessac-Léognan red
    • Red
    2 016,00 € incl. VAT

    Haut-Bailly is the most delicate of the Graves wines with a particularly silky tannic structure.

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 95-97/100 « Insistons sur la magnifique qualité des tanins, veloutés mais plus encore étirés, qui pportent le vin sur toute la longueur escomptée et même au-delà. Saluons l'expression aromatique déjà très aboutie, la plus racée de l'appellatio à ce stade, complexe de naissance, mille nuances sur un fond réglissé et mentholé. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 97-98/100 «  Nez extraordinaire de complexité et de raffinement, notes merveilleuses de fruit, d'épices, de fumé minéral, magnifique grains de tannins, puissants et chatoyants en même temps, équilibre parfait sur la fraîcheur. La race à l'état pure et un potentiel incroyable. Somptueux.»
    n : 97/100
     « Nez intense, au fruité très mûr, se révélant très frais à l'agitation du verre. En bouche, voici du beau velours riche, qui caresse le palais, moelleux, juteux. Le vin intensifie sa présence aromatique dans le dernier tiers du palais et ce, malgré un pH élevé. C'est incroyable. » 
    Galloni : 93-96/100
    « The 2022 Haut-Bailly is dark and quite brooding in bearing. I imagine the 2022 will take some time to come together, as the tannins are pretty forbidding at this stage. »
    Martin : 96-98/100 « The palate is medium-bodied with filigree tannins. Minerals, black pepper and clove off a gentle grip with an impressive crescendo. This Haut-Bailly has a haunting beauty, the kind of wine that will bring people to tears. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
  • 6108
    Futures 2022 Pessac-Léognan red
    • Red
    8 668,80 € incl. VAT

    Haut-Brion is the most famous of all the Bordeaux growths, having twice been classified as 1er grand cru, in 1855 and again in 1959 (Graves classification). Haut-Brion is both the oldest of the Grands Crus, with more than five centuries (since 1509) behind it, and the most innovative, introducing stainless steel vats as early as 1960 and green harvesting as early as 1980.
    Its particular situation within the Bordeaux agglomeration makes it the earliest Premier Cru on the left bank, a clear advantage in less mature vintages. For this reason, Haut-Brion's consistency is a benchmark for the whole of Bordeaux, with the intense bouquet of fresh earth, smoke and pine resin so characteristic of the appellation.
    Fortunately, the unique silhouette of its bottle has disrupted the Asian market and has not triggered the same speculative interest there as it has for the other 1er grands crus classés. Haut-Brion is today without question the most qualitative and the least expensive of the premiers.

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 96-98/100 « C'est un vin très sombre, qui exalte dès ce stade précoce les qualités emblématiques du cru, un vin réservé, d'une captivante profondeur aromatique cependant. La bouche frappe par sa tenue, son allonge presque austère et pourtant très élégante, au grain à la fois soyeux et frais, vibrant. La longueur étirée des tanins domine la spécificité du millésime pour conférer au vin la cohérence et la sérénité d'un futur grand classique. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 97-98/100 « Puissant, ferme, encore un peu serré dans son tannin et marqué dès la naissance comme mission-haut-brion par les notes de créosotes si typique du cru. »
    Le Point : 19,5/20 « Nez baies noires, bouche onctueuse, épicée, serrée, tendue ; très charpenté, plus austère que La Mission, comme d'habitude, mais un équilibre parfait. »
    in : 98/100
     « Nez intense, fin, fruité et pour une fois à cet âge, avec la nuance fumée typique de Pessac. Ample à l'attaque, délicieusement parfumé en milieu de bouche, accompagné d'une nuance grasse dans le toucher, le vin évolue un brin ferme en finale et parallèlement très aromatique. Grande longueur. »
    Galloni : 97-99/100
    « Deep and wonderfully layered, the 2022 possesses remarkable depth. Superb. »
    Martin : 96-98/100 « It has a bewitching granular texture, complex and more focused than recent vintages, and comes across as almost pixelated on the finish. Quintessential Haut-Brion. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Potential alcohol:
  • 6118
    Futures 2022 Médoc
    • Red
    338,00 € incl. VAT

    With remarkable consistency, Potensac has been one of the most regular crus bourgeois in the northern Médoc for 30 years, proof of the know-how of the Léoville-Las Cases team (same owner). Its ability to age is always surprising, even and especially in the "early years".

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 92-93/100 « Le côté rond, suave et gourmand du cru, porté par de jolis merlots, est au rendez-vous. Il ne manque toutefois pas de densité et de profondeur. Il est taillé pour une belle garde. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 92/100 
    « Encore une fois, il s'affirmera comme un excellent rapport qualité/prix grâce à la précision de sa vinification et cette fraîcheur qui en fait un médoc savoureux et agréable. Il n'y aura pas besoin de l'attendre longtemps. »
    Quarin : 90/100
    « Nez intense, fin, fruité et subtil, évoluant vanillé à l'agitation. Minutieux en entrée de bouche, très aromatique au milieu, le vin fond au palais, juteux, fin, avec une séduction rarement vue ici jusqu'alors. »
    Galloni : 91-93/100
    « The 2022 Potensac is super-expressive right out of the gate. Pliant and beautifully layered, the 2022 marries density and vibrancy to great effect. The 2022 is a serious Potensac, that is for sure. Once again, Jean-Hubert Delon and his team made a Médoc that overdelivers big time. »
    Martin : 91-93/100 « This is a Potensac with purpose. The palate is a little creamier than previous vintages on the entry, but then the tannic framework makes its presence felt. Firm grip, quite fresh and sappy with a fine thread of acidity maintaining poise. This is a superb Potensac. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Potential alcohol:
  • 6137
    Futures 2022 Margaux
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    913,20 € incl. VAT

    In organic conversion from 2013, Durfort-Vivens was one of the very first classified growths in the Médoc to claim and display organic certification from 2016. M. Bettane is one of its most fervent defenders: "the quality/price ratio remains absolutely unique at this level of quality of terroir and work.

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 95-96/100 ♥ Favourite « Le cru a la côte en ce moment et c'est mérité. [...] Le vin est posé, évident dans sa définition et serein en bouche, porté par une matière de grande précision. Il est intense, digeste, minéral et pur. Énergique. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 96/100 
    « Droit et racé, il offre cette complexité et cette élégance naturelle, tout à fait dans la lignée des dernière impréssionantes réussites du domaine. »
    Le Point : 17,5/20
    « Nez fruits noirs, bouche tendue, fraîche, serrée, joli fruit, droit, tanins fins, bonne longueur. »
    Galloni : 92-94/100
    « The 2022 Durfort-Vivens is a wild, exotic wine that very much shows the natural opulence of the year. There's a bit more Merlot in this year's blend, and that seems to come through in the win's overall fruit intensity. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Organic certification:
  • 6151
    Futures 2022 Saint-Julien
    • Red
    665,20 € incl. VAT

    The most serious and regular of the great classified growths of Saint-Julien, and even of the Médoc. Whatever the vintage since 1986, Lagrange never disappoints, with a constancy and an accuracy that force respect!

    See the technical sheet

    Bettane & Desseauve : 95-96/100 
    « Sans doute le plus grand vin que nous ayons vu naître dans ce cru. Une définition idéale de ce qu'on doit attendre d'un beau Saint-Julien. Grand rapport qualité-prix à coup sûr et remarquable réussite. »
    Le Point : 17/20

    n : 95/100
    « Surprenant par son entrée de bouche ample, gras au milieu, le vin se développe de suite très aromatique. Il évolue complet, vers une longue finale à la tannicité enrobée. Le gras et la dynamique s'équilibrent ensemble dans un déroulé profond et charmeur. C'est superbe ! »
    Galloni : 92-94/100 « The 2022 Lagrange is a bold, racy wine. The Cabernet is especially evident in this savory and punchy Saint-Julien that is showing very well today. »
    Martin : 95-97/100 « The palate is extremely pure with cashmere tannins, black cherry fruit infused by blood orange, lightly spiced, hints of white pepper toward a very concentrated, fine-boned finish. A serious and very able Lagrange that should not be under-estimated. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
  • 6154
    Futures 2022 Saint-Julien
    • Red
    1 022,40 € incl. VAT

    Clos du Marquis is no longer the second wine of Léoville-Las Cases, but a wine in its own right produced on the parcels adjoining Léoville-Poyferré and Lagrange. In any case, his exemplary consistency for more than 30 years now commands respect.

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 95-96/100 « Le 2022 est impressionnant de densité et de profondeur, avec beaucoup de raffinement, de fraîcheur et de croquant préservé dans le fruit. L'harmonie générale est superbe, avec des tanins fondus. Elégantissime. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 95-96/100
    « Nez de grande race sur le graphite, corps magnifique, parfait dosage du bois, bref, tout ce qu'on attend d'un Clos du Marquis complexe et noble. »
    Quarin : 95/100
     « Nez intense, fin, fruité, pur, noble. Bouche à la corpulence onctueuse, avec de la classe dans le toucher, du corps et une ascension en finale profonde, savoureuse et grasse. »
    Galloni : 90-93/100 « The 2022 Clos du Marquis is powerful and driving, with the tannins very much in evidence. Today, the Clos du Marquis is pretty tight. Let's see what elevage brings. »
    Martin : 92-94/100 « The 2022 is floral and powerful, with black cherries and blueberry fruit, perhaps not quite the delineation, almost pastille-like. This remains linear and tensile toward the finish, with graphite lingering on the aftertaste. Excellent. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Potential alcohol:
  • 6157
    Futures 2022 Saint-Julien
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    1 168,80 € incl. VAT

    Of all the second classified growths in St-Julien, Gruaud-Larose is the most vigorous and massive in young wine. But, the magic of the terroir, it acquires softness and finesse if it is given time to age. Its quality/price ratio puts it ahead of the other second classified growths of St-Julien!

    See the technical sheet

    Bettane & Desseauve : 97-98/100 « Le vin continue d'exprimer avec force et éloquence son terroir, grâce à une qualité d'extraction raffinée, lui apportant des sensations tactiles d'une rare distinction. [...] Rapport qualité-prix unique à ce niveau. »
    Le Point : 18/20
    « Nez floral, bouche souple, fraîche, élégante, bonne longueur, frais et fin, bien tramé. Beaucoup d'élégance. »
    Quarin : 97/100
    « Nez très aromatique, fin fruité, pur, subtil, mûr, frais et floral. Texture minutieuse dès l'entrée en bouche, le vin se développe très aromatique au milieu, avec une grâce douce et moelleuse unique sur cette appellation. Elle me rappelle le 1947. Le vin fond au palais, tout en rebondissant en finale, long, séveux et envoûtant. »
    Galloni : 93-95/100
    « This full-throttle Saint-Julien is not exactly subtle, but its balance is impeccable. You should expect an unctuous, dense wine with tons of concentration, a good deal of new oak and all the pedigree to hold it all together. »
    Martin : 95-97/100 « I am impressed by its delineation and focus; frankly, these are the nicest aromatics I've encountered for a while at this address. I cannot remember a Gruaud at this nascent stage that exhibits this level of energy and tension deriving from the Cabernet Sauvignon extracted at the beginning of vinification. There's much more precision here. Gruaud reborn. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Potential alcohol:
    Organic certification:
  • 6168
    Futures 2022 Pauillac
    • Red
    988,00 € incl. VAT

    Grand-Puy-Lacoste is the finest of Pauillac's 5th classified growths, held with competence and care by Mr. François-Xavier Borie and his children. The latest vintages show even greater aromatic precision and tannin nobility, especially the superb 2020 vintage.

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 94-96/100 « Très harmonieux, ce 2022 est dessiné par de beaux cabernets qui allient le fruité éclatant, croquant et une finale acidulée et juteuse. Un ensemble qui représente un admirable classique de l'appellation. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 95/100 
    « Une fois de plus, incarnation même de ce qu'est le classicisme pauillacais dans la forme et le fond. Le cèdre et le tabac sont présents et liés à un corps de grand millésime.  »
    Le Point : 18-18,5/20
    « Cerise, bien fruité, note épicée, bouche fraîche, tendue, élégante, tanins fins, délicat, belle trame solide. »
    in : 97/100
     « Nez intense, fin, fruité, subtil, complexe, délicat et noble. Bouche tout en pulpe suave et fondante, avec de la classe dans le toucher. La puissance se fait jour en milieu de bouche, sans jamais bouleverser le port gracieux de Grand Puy Lacoste. Finale incrachable, longue, profonde, au grain fin. » 
    Galloni : 92-94,5/100
    « The 2022 Grand-Puy Lacoste is a very pretty wine. There's good complexity and depth, but it is the radiance of the year that is front and center. »
    Martin : 96-98/100 « The 2022 Grand Puy Lacoste is a little more precocity and sensuality compared to other vintages, not cut from the same "classical" cloth as, say, the 2019 or 2020. There is a peacock's tail of mineral-rich, quite peppery black fruit on the finish, completing a Pauillac endowed with huge potential. »

    As in music, variation consists in making changes to a "theme". Grand-Puy-Lacoste has thus chosen, for his Grand Vin like for his second wine Lacoste Borie, to gather in the same case the variation of the sizes of bottles, allowing to discover the evolution of the wine in time through these three formats (bottle, magnum and double-magnum).

    The "Variation Case" contains 1 Double-Magnum, 2 Magnums and 4 Bottles, the equivalent of 12 bottles.

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
  • 6169
    Futures 2022 Pauillac
    • Red
    1 036,80 € incl. VAT

    Known for producing one of the firmest and tightest (even robust) Pauillacs available, Duhart-Milon has since 2010 refined its style to gradually approach that of Lafite (same owner and same team). New direction and progress amply confirmed, with an unprecedented charm and fatness from the 2015 vintage onwards. Given the quality of its terroir (the only 4th Grand Cru Classé in Pauillac), Duhart-Milon has certainly not finished its progression.

    As the latest Bettane & Desseauve guide (2025) points out, “So many changes in recent vintages, with a great wine that has rediscovered the depth and dimension of the greatest Pauillacs”!

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 95-96/100 « 2022 est très resserré sur les cabernet-sauvignon (78 %), ce qui lui convient à merveille. Bâti sur des solides fondations, il est très profond, mais aussi explosif et très frais. Tendu et tout en allonge. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 94-95/100 
    « Le plus réussi dont nous ayons le souvenir. Notes de cèdre et de tabac, grand avenir, beaucoup de longueur. Quel progrès dans l'intégration de ce boisé qui respecte désormais mieux la texture de naissance de ce cru.  »
    Le Point : 16,5-17/20

    Quarin : 95/100
    « Nez très aromatique, fin, fruité, subtil. Nuances profondes de fruits noirs. Ample à l'attaque, moelleux en milieu de bouche, parfumé, le vin prend de la puissance dans le dernier tiers du palais, où il s'achève sur un toucher fin, long, gras et très bon. »
    Galloni : 92-94/100
    « The 2022 Duhart-Milon is racy and explosive right out of the gate. I imagine the 2022 will require at least a fem years in bottle to be at its best, but it is pretty showy today. »
    Martin : 93-95/100 « The palate is fresh and vibrant with fine tannins. This is beautifully sculpted with a vibrant pencil lead-tinged finish reminiscent of Grand Puy Lacoste. The 2022 is a fabulous Duhart-Milon that should give 30 to 40 years of drinking pleasure. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
  • 6172
    Futures 2022 Pauillac
    • Red
    1 740,00 € incl. VAT

    Apart from the first great classified growths, no other Bordeaux wine is as world famous as Lynch-Bages. Its worldwide success comes as much from its opulent, full-bodied and robust style, from its unfailing regularity since 1975, and from its media promotion orchestrated by Jean-Michel Cazes. Lynch-Bages was the first wine sent into space (Discovery shuttle in 1985). It is even said that it is him who gave the taste of Bordeaux to the Americans!

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 96-97/100 « C'est peut-être le plus impressionnant Lynch-Bages que nous avons dégustés en primeur. Quelle intensité, quel éclat ! D’une énorme concentration, il compense par son équilibre et la vivacité de sa fraîcheur qui s’exprime par la salinité de sa finale. Sa définition est inédite »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 94/100 
    « Grand corps, grande couleur, grande puissance, ce lynch-bages athlète est un géant dans sa catégorie et il n'a pas perdu dans ce millésime son caractère harmonieux. »
    Le Point : 17,5/20
    « Zan, note de grillé, un peu réducteur, bouche prise de bois, souple en attaque, milieu de bouche dense, finale serrée. »
    Quarin : 96/100
    « Minutieux en entrée de bouche, avec de l'élégance dans le toucher, un corps moelleux et fondant, le vin évolue sur des saveurs mûres et fraîches, évoquant le cabernet sauvignon. Longue finale sur des saveurs profondes, juteuses et médocaines. C'est superbe ! »
    Galloni : 95-97/100 « The 2022 Lynch-Bages shows all the classic Lynch layers, but dialed up to the maximum. Rich, deep and explosive, the 2022 packs tremendous punch. I expect the 2022 will need a decade to shed some of its tannin, but it is formidable, even in the early going. Impressive. »
    Martin : 95-97/100 « The palate is medium-bodied with grippy tannins, beautifully balanced, very harmonious yet there is an enormous backbone here that (again) is reminiscent of Mouton. It is going to be a Pauillac for the long haul. »»

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Potential alcohol:
  • 6183
    Futures 2022 Saint-estèphe
    • Red
    453,60 € incl. VAT

    Previously settled on firm tannins that made them stark in their youth, Cos Labory's wines have for the last ten years changed in style, becoming more pleasant and gaining in depth and refinement (its vineyard is adjacent to those of Lafite-Rothschild and Cos d'Estournel). “Probably the best value in the 1855 classification to date”, as Bettane & Desseauve (Guide 2025) points out.

    The Audoy family having sold its vineyard to the neighboring Cos d'Estournel at the beginning of 2023, a new era begins at Cos Labory.

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 93-94/100 « Une page se tourne et le 2022, dernier millésime vinifié par la famille Audoy, est fidèle au style du cru : un vin gourmand, élégant, facile d'approche et délicieusement fruité. Une belle affaire. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 91/100 
    « Sur le cèdre et les épices, avec un beau corps, vin bien fait et d'un prix accessible à de nombreux amateurs. »
    Le Point : 16,5/20

    Quarin : 94/100
     « Nez intense, au fruité mûr, frais et parfumé. Bouche pleine, juteuse, intense, profonde et grasse. Le vin évolue avec de l'éclat dans le goût, long et vraiment très bon. »
    Galloni : 91-93/100 « The 2022 Cos Labory is rich, explosive Saint-Estèphe. Gravel, incense, tobacco, licorice, black cherry, chocolate, smoke and leather all build in a potent, broad wine that makes an impression, to say the least. Bracing mineral notes extend the finish. »
    Martin : 90-92/100 « This has commendable purity, even if it lacks a little nuance. The palate is medium-bodied and structured, with grainy tannins, nicely integrated oak and a fresh, chalky-textured finish. Good potential. »
    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
  • 6196
    Futures 2022 Pomerol
    • Red
    1 108,80 € incl. VAT

    Always of a high standard for a reasonable price (in Pomerol), the wines of Gazin, medium-bodied and marked by truffles, are the archetype of the appellation and of exemplary consistency vintage after vintage.  “One of Pomerol's best wines, with happy surprises after 10 years” for Bettane & Desseauve as for us.

    Revue du Vin de France : 90-93/100 « Gazin n’est jamais le plus sexy des pomerols en primeur et le 2022 ne déroge pas à cette tendance. On saisit tout de même la franchise, la netteté, la dynamique, le sens de la direction du vin derrière un abord un peu abrupt. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 95/100 « Le finale aux accents de pivoine, d'iris et de violette dynamise un corps à l'intensité soyeuse qui affiche son identité. Beau potentiel. »
    Le Point : 18,5/20 « Bouche fraîche, fruits noirs, bois de réglisse, tanins fins, serrés, salivants ; long, poivré, bonne harmonie, bien persistant. »
    Quarin : 95/100
     « Superbe nez, très aromatique, fin, fruité, avec une note rare de violette à cet âge. Délicatement parfumé dès l'entrée en bouche, minutieux au milieu, avec un toucher raffiné, le vin se développe charnu et très aromatique. Les fleurs l'emportent sur toute chose, avant que la finale ne s'achève sur les fruits noirs. Très belle construction. Belle finale profonde. Une grande réussite. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
  • 6200
    Futures 2022 Pomerol
    • Red
    4 348,80 € incl. VAT

    A talented and demanding winemaker, Mr. Durantou, at the service of a great terroir flush with Pomerol's church (between Lafleur and Clinet), has revealed and propelled L'Église-Clinet among Pomerol's finest crus. L'Église-Clinet is undoubtedly one of the most subtle in terms of aromatic precision, fine grain and satiny texture. Much too soon lost in 2020, Mr. Durantou fortunately has three daughters, united and determined to continue their father's work with brio.

    Revue du Vin de France : 96-98/100 « L’Église-Clinet 2022 prouve qu’une grande sensualité peut s’accompagner d’une certaine réserve [...]. Sans rien perdre de son raffinement aromatique (cette floralité…) ni du satiné extrême de son toucher de bouche, il présente un équilibre à ce stade un peu différent des millésimes précédents, moins basé sur le tranchant, la “verticalité”, avec une sensation acide moins présente, ce qui accentue l’hédonisme de la chair. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 97/100 
    « Nez discret avec une touche de violette, la bouche déroule un tannin soyeux qui prend de l'intensité au fil de l'ouverture. Finale saline et florale montante de haut vol. »
    n : 98/100
    « Nez très aromatique, fin, fruité, pur, délicat et complexe. Délicat en entrée de bouche, avec une texture minutieuse au milieu, de la classe dans le toucher et un fond juteux de fruits noirs, ce vin raffiné fond au palais, noble, complexe et long. Il est rare de trouver à Pomerol une présence fruitée, mûre, fraîche et florale en même temps, plus encore avec 90 % de merlot. »
    Galloni : 96-98/100 « The 2022 L'Église-Clinet is shaping up to be one of the wines of the vintage on the Right Bank. »
    Martin : 98-100/100 « There's not a hair out of place, exuding the essence of this Pomerol estate with an exceptionally long, intense and paradoxically tender finish. It's a wine that may leave you spellbound... just like this barrel sample. »
    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
  • 6201
    Futures 2022 Pomerol
    • Red
    4 636,80 € incl. VAT

    Vieux Château Certan is certainly, with a high proportion of Cabernet Franc (30% on average), the most classic, firm and distinguished Pomerol wine. It does not have the softness and immediate charm of other great Pomerol, but still keeps all these promises as it ages. Very classy!

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 97-100/100 « Le vin est très aromatique, épicé, floral, exotique, avec un caractère enjôleur, cajoleur, extrêmement séduisant. La texture elle-même affiche un moelleux, une douceur presque décadente, que l’élan de la structure porte avec panache. Encore un grand millésime pour la propriété de la famille Thienpont, complet, dynamique, mais avant toute chose flamboyant ! »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 97-98/100
    « Les cabernets (20% de franc et 5% de sauvignon) trament la bouche et apportent le panache de la finale. Les 75% de merlot confèrent tout le soyeux voulu. »
    Le Point : 19/20
    « Cerise noire, mûre, fruité pur, note de violette, bouche douce, réglisse, tanins moelleux, poudrés, du relief, trame vive, bonne harmonie, finale longue, relevée, beaucoup d'éclat. »
    Galloni : 98-100/100
    « The 2022 Vieux Château Certan is a wine of tremendous sophistication and polish. I expected to see a more opulent VCC, but the 2022 is surprisingly delicate and nuanced. There's really not much more to say except that the 2022 is magical. »
    Martin : 97-99/100 « The Cabernet is very expressive this year and so while it is a real Left Bank/Right Bank hybrid, it is, at the same time, quintessentially Pomerol. Chapeau Alexandre and Guillaume Thienpont. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Potential alcohol:
  • 6213
    Futures 2022 Saint-Émilion
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    504,00 € incl. VAT

    An oenologist by training, Ms. Papon-Nouvel owns two tiny properties at the bottom of Saint-Émilion near Canon-La Gaffelière: Petit Gravet Aîné (2.4 ha) and Clos Saint-Julien (1.3 ha), where the vines are mainly old cabernets francs. From the vine to the cellar, she manages all the stages in the production of her wines on her own and, whatever the vintage, her talent as an instinctive winemaker gives wines of natural elegance and exemplary sweetness.

    Bettane & Desseauve : 92-93/100 « Rebond final harmonieux pour ce vin plus en structure qu'en arômes dont on mesure le potentiel. »
    Galloni : 94-96/100
    « Floral, perfumed and exceptionally vivid, the 2022 Petit Gravet Aîné is sublime. All the elements are so well balanced. In 2022, the Petit Gravet Aîné is exquisite. »
    Martin : 90-92/100 « The 2022 Petit Gravet Aîné feels a bit "hemmed in" on the nose at the moment, but it opens with aeration with blackberry, iodine and light briny scents. The palate is medium-bodied, with succulent red fruit, blood orange and orange rind. Fresh with a lively, what feels like a slightly carbonic finish. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Organic certification:
  • 6215
    Futures 2022 Saint-Émilion
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    705,60 € incl. VAT

    Mrs Papon-Nouvel's other grand cru (with Petit Gravet Aîné). Same organic culture, same sensitivity, same style, with extra flesh and depth. Great wine! Great wine, logically promoted to grand cru classé in 2022.

    See the data sheet

    Quarin : 94/100 « Nez intense, fin, fruité et mûr. Pulpeux en entrée de bouche, ample au milieu, avec du gras partout, le vin évolue puissant, long et très parfumé. »
    Galloni : 95-97/100
    « The 2022 is one of the most exquisite wines I have ever tasted here. This salivating and wonderfully vibrant Saint-Émilion is lights out. »
    Martin : 91-93/100 « The palate is medium-bodied with grainy tannins and a gentle build in the mouth. There's a fresh Cabernet Franc-driven finish. The more I sip this, the more I like it. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Organic certification:
  • 6221
    Futures 2022 Saint-Émilion
    • Red
    1 128,80 € incl. VAT

    An ultra-refined great wine, with a mineral tension that is out of the ordinary in Bordeaux, the fruit of the great terroir of the Côte Pavie, but also of the complicity of Mr Nicolas Thienpont and Mr Stéphane Derenoncourt since 1994.

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 95-96/100 « Derrière une couleur sombre, se dévoile une matière puissante, d'une intensité confondante, qui se voit canalisée par une force calcaire revigorante. Une persistance crayeuse longue, particulièrement stimulante. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 97/100 « Salinité, notes d'orange sanguine et d'encens donnent le ton aromatique de ce 2022 monumental. Tout en nuances, il fait résonner sa finale calcaire et force le respect, par son intensité sans se départir d'une grande élégance. »
    Le Point : 17,5-18/20
    « Nez frais, framboise, gelée de myrtille, griotte, bouche tendre, délicate, bon végétal, note florale, tanins fins, soyeux, bien en place ; long, finale relevée, note mentholée. »
    Quarin : 95/100
    « Nez intense, au fruité mûr et subtil. Charnu en entrée de bouche, très savoureux au milieu, avec un toucher minutieux, le vin évolue profond en finale, avec du goût et des tannins gras. Bonne longueur. »
    Galloni : 95-97/100
    « The 2022 Pavie Macquin is a gorgeous wine, not quite as exotic as it can be, which will no doubt please those who find this mine on the richer side within the context of Saint-Émilion. »
    Martin : 92-94/100 « This is the most opulent amongst Nicolas Thienpont's portfolio, though I find just a touch more terroir expression on the Larcis-Ducasse. Quite understated in style, I suspect it will spread its wings during its élevage. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
  • 6225
    Futures 2022 Saint-Émilion
    • Red
    1 584,00 € incl. VAT

    Advised by Mr. Derenoncourt, Clos Fourtet regularly and unobtrusively demonstrates that the upper part of the Saint-Émilion plateau can produce wines as great as the Ausone or Pavie hillsides. Sobriety, depth, finesse and intensity are exemplary.

    See the technical sheet

    Revue du Vin de France : 96-98/100 « C’est le premier millésime où les vignes des Grandes Murailles, deux hectares du plateau calcaire, entrent dans la composition du Clos Fourtet. Un vin magistral en 2022. De toute évidence, il se dévoile magnifiquement, tout en nuances aromatiques, sans aucune démonstration. Une suavité de texture terriblement séduisante étirée infiniment par une salinité crayeuse inouïe. L’un des millésimes les plus glorieux des vingt dernières années. »
    Bettane & Desseauve : 96/100 « Finale calcaire qui souligne une bouche profonde, au tannin parfaitement accompli. »
    Le Point : 18-18,5/20 « Fruits noirs, cerise, myrtille, note de cassis, bouche juteuse, pulpeuse, de la puissance, milieu de bouche bien bâti, harmonieux, tanins racés, serrés, beaucoup de longueur, bouche fraîche. »
    Quarin : 97/100
     « Nez intense, au fruité mûr, accompagné d'une touche d'écorce d'orange. Gras dès l'entrée en bouche, avec beaucoup de goût au milieu, le vin évolue juteux, corpulent, savoureux, vers une longue finale puissante, suivie d'un beau retour aromatique parfumé. C'est long et très bon. »
    Galloni : 96-98/100 « The 2022 Clos Fourtet is fabulous. Rich, sensual and layered, the 2022 bristles with the energy found in the best wines of the year. »
    Martin : 95-97/100 « The palate is refined with filigree tannins, one of the most mineral-driven Clos Fourtets I recall at this stage, with a sophisticated and harmonious finish. Mathieu Cuvelier and his team have overseen a sublime Saint-Émilion. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Potential alcohol:
  • 6242
    Futures 2022 Chevlaier-Montrachet Grand cru
    • Dry white
    • Wine in organic approach
    6 162,00 € incl. VAT

    In 2004, Jean-Michel Chartron gave new impetus to the family domaine, blessed with an extraordinary land heritage (Clos des Chevaliers is the best part of Chevalier-Montrachet, itself considered the best climat in Puligny after Montrachet). The estate's 14.5 hectares have been farmed organically (without certification) ever since.

    Mineral, nervous, powerful and long, with a crystalline purity, its wines are among Puligny's finest.

    The 2022 vintage is rated 93-95/100 by N. Martin "The Chevalier-Montrachet Clos de Chevaliers Grand Cru 2022 has a taut, precise bouquet: much more mineral than the Bâtard-Montrachet, quite taut with a hint of white peach and orange blossom. The palate is beautifully balanced with fine depth and concentration, counterbalanced by a lively line of acidity. It builds gradually to a very suave, prolonged finish. Excellent." (November 2023)

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
  • 6252
    Futures 2022 Morey-Saint-Denis 1er cru
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    960,00 € incl. VAT Case of 6 bottles
    Out of stock

    Cyprien Arlaud has awakened this beautiful family estate of 15 hectares between Gevrey, Morey and Chambolle. Its wines, biodynamic since 2010, complete and delicious, have a frankness, a voluptuousness of texture and a rare aromatic elegance. The most recent vintages attest to remarkable progress, this domain clearly aims for excellence. Rated two stars in the guide of La Revue du Vin de France.

    The 2022 vintage is rated 92-94/100 by N. Martin (Vinous) "The medium-bodied palate has a fresh, saline entry, nicely structured with a gentle grip. Darker fruit appears on the finish, with notes of candied orange peel and blood orange. Excellent" (January 2024)

    Also rated 17/20 by Bourgogne Aujourd'hui magazine "Intense garnet-red color. Concentrated, fine aromas of violets, cherries... Dense, juicy on the palate, with omnipresent fruit, cherry, freshness and great potential" (September 2023)

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Organic certification:
  • 6254
    Futures 2022 Charmes-Chambertin grand cru
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    2 718,00 € incl. VAT

    Cyprien Arlaud has awakened this beautiful family estate of 15 hectares between Gevrey, Morey and Chambolle. Its wines, biodynamic since 2010, complete and delicious, have a frankness, a voluptuousness of texture and a rare aromatic elegance. The most recent vintages attest to remarkable progress, this domain clearly aims for excellence. Rated two stars in the guide of La Revue du Vin de France.

    Rated 93-95/100 by N. Martin (Vinous) "The Charmes-Chambertin Grand Cru 2022, one of the last to be picked over three different passes, has a plush and expressive bouquet with dark cherries, raspberry coulis and light violet petal aromas that recede and reveal orange rind and yuzu scents. The palate is medium-bodied with firm grip on the entry. It's a solid Charmes-Chambertin that is Mazoyères in style because, well, that's where it's from! A serious Charmes-Chambertin that will age well in bottle." (November 2023)

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Organic certification:
  • 6255
    Futures 2022 Clos de la Roche Grand cru rouge
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    3 232,00 € incl. VAT

    Cyprien Arlaud has awakened this beautiful family estate of 15 hectares between Gevrey, Morey and Chambolle. Its wines, biodynamic since 2010, complete and delicious, have a frankness, a voluptuousness of texture and a rare aromatic elegance. The most recent vintages attest to remarkable progress, this domain clearly aims for excellence. Rated two stars in the guide of La Revue du Vin de France.

    The 2022 vintage is rated 96+/100 by La Revue de France "The chiselled, haunting flesh of this noble wine has a cooler, pulper character, carried by a racy sapidity and very sapid tannins" (March 2024)

    Also rated 95-97/100 by N. Martin (Vinous) "The palate is medium-bodied, with firm tannins and darker fruit than the Charmes-Chambertin, with impressive precision on the finish. This wine is extremely promising." (January 2024)

    Also rated 18.5/20 (Best bottle of the tasting) by Bourgogne Aujourd'hui "All the class of Clos de la Roche truly explodes in this magical bottle [...] lots of substance, richness, length and breed!" (September 2023)

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Organic certification:
  • 6256
    Futures 2022 Clos des Lambrays grand cru
    • Red
    7 920,00 € incl. VAT

    A grand cru with an almost monopoly, Clos des Lambrays is one of the best exposed terroirs on the Côte de Nuits, combining the power of a Chambertin with the velvety character of a Bonnes-Mares. Bought in 2014 by L.V.M.H. and still rated three stars in the Revue du Vin de France guide.

    The 2022 vintage is rated 98+/100 by La Revue de France "Cherry core and sweet spikes, firm but nuanced, straightforward and straightforward, silky tannins in this dynamic wine, with fine-tuned flavours, carried by a very persistent finish. Magnificent integration of the whole harvest". (March 2024)

    The 2022 vintage is rated 96-98/100 by N. Martin "Clos des Lambrays Grand Cru 2022 is a blend of 11 different cuvées and includes, for the first time, the "30 Rangs" parcel. This vintage comprises 80% whole bunches and, like La Richemoine, is skilfully subsumed on the nose, which blooms with bright red fruits, undergrowth, white truffle and light autumn leaf scents. The palate is medium-bodied with fine tannins, a slender Clos des Lambrays with a slightly chalky, mineral-rich finish. Very tender and complex, this is undoubtedly a great wine of the future." (November 2023)

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
  • 6258
    Futures 2022 Clos Vougeot grand cru
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    2 430,00 € incl. VAT

    Owning the largest parcel (6 ha) of Clos Vougeot and the only producer vinifying and maturing its wines within the Clos, Château de la Tour is the custodian of the Clos Vougeot tradition. Always vinified unstemmed, its wines are powerful (certified organic from the 2021 vintage), structured and long-lasting.

    The 2022 vintage is rated 91-93/100 by N. Martin "The Clos de Vougeot Cuvée Classique Grand Cru 2022 comprises around 50% whole bunches. It has a very well-defined bouquet with aromas of black cherry, raspberry, heather and light truffle. The palate is medium-bodied with supple, fresh and saline tannins, silky and what looks like a more accessible Clos Vougeot as Edouard Labet understands it. Yet it has the substance to age for more than 15 to 20 years." (November 2023)

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Organic certification:
  • 6264
    Futures 2022 Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er cru
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    1 209,60 € incl. VAT

    Owned by AXA Millésimes since 1987, Domaine de l'Arlot spans 15 hectares between Nuits-Saint-Georges (Prémeaux) and Vosne-Romanée. This is an estate of excellence, producing some of the most intense, precise whites on the Côte de Nuits, as well as dense reds with chiselled structures that are simultaneously fleshy and delicate. Rated three stars in the Revue du Vin de France guide.

    The 2022 vintage is rated 94-96/100 by N. Martin "The palate is medium-bodied with beautifully integrated new oak, giving it a velvety veneer. It's a little mellow but with equivalent tension and a detailed, slightly spicy finish. This is an exceptional Nuits Saint-Georges from the Domaine." (November 2023)

    Also rated 15.5/20 by Bourgogne Aujourd'hui magazine "The palate is dense, serious, with tannins that are still a little firm. Promising..." (September 2023)

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Organic certification:
  • 6266
    Futures 2022 Romanée Saint-Vivant Grand cru
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    8 208,00 € incl. VAT

    Owned by AXA Millésimes since 1987, Domaine de l'Arlot spans 15 hectares between Nuits-Saint-Georges (Prémeaux) and Vosne-Romanée. This is an estate of excellence, producing some of the most intense, precise whites on the Côte de Nuits, as well as dense reds with chiselled structures that are simultaneously fleshy and delicate. Rated three stars in the Revue du Vin de France guide.

    The 2022 vintage is rated 16/20 by the magazine Bourgogne Aujourd'hui "The palate is ripe, supple, with fine balance and finesse. A wine for the future..." (September 2023)

    Also rated 96-98/100 by N. Martin "The palate is velvety on entry with impressive depth and a soft grip. It has a fascinating purity of fruit, intense to the point where you can almost overlook the filigree tannins. It unfolds magnificently on the lingering finish, a top-class Romanée-Saint-Vivant." (November 2023)

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025
    Organic certification:
  • 6287
    Futures 2022 Spain (Ribera del Duero)
    • Red
    • Certified organic wine
    10 584,00 € incl. VAT

    Amazing story as that of Dominio de Pingus. Created in 1995 by Peter Sisseck, a Danish (!), this estate a few kilometres from Vega Sicilia has become a cult in less than 15 years.

    Pingus is the great wine, made from the 4 ha of the estate, 100% tempranillo aged 70 years, biodynamic since 2000. 450 cases per year (an average yield of 10hl/ha, not counting small vintages, such as the 2002, totally downgraded in Flor de Pingus).

    Wine Advocate : 98-100/100 « Tasting a new vintage of Pingus for the rst time is a special moment, and the 2022 Pingus shows the gentler prole of the vintage —it's perfumed, fruit-driven and peachy, with perfume and elegance. Peter Sisseck told me that it's his favorite vintage, because it's more the idea he has for this wine. He compared it to 2000 and 1996. This aged exclusively in barrel; some vintages age for a while in 2,000- and 1,500-liter oak foudres, which was the case for the 2021, 2020 and 2018 but not in 2022. "I liked the evolution of the wine in barrel so much that I left it there the whole time," Sisseck explained. It's young and tender, ripe and juicy, with some spicy notes but with very good freshness and balance. »

    To keep or to drink:
    Available 1st quarter 2025